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Introduction Product Install Instructions

Thank you for purchasing and downloading the sfIntro product. The book, executables, and source files are downloaded as a single file built by the Java jar utility. You are reading the install instructions for version sfi1.1.0_01 on a Windows 7 OS. Please adapt these instructions for the destination computer.

This product version depends on Java being previously installed on the target system. If Java is not available on the target computer then please download Java Standard Edition 7 onto your build and production computers. Java SE 7 is available over the Internet.

1) Place the down loaded jar file within a local directory of your choice, for example C:\sf.

2) Open a command window by: Select Windows Start icon, type "cmd" within search box, move mouse over line showing "cmd", and left click mouse.

3) Set window directory to where sf version resides. For example, type:

cd C:\sf

within the command window.

4) Extract contents of the jar file by typing:

jar xf sfi1.1.0_01.jar

within the command window. Verify that the extracted directory appears within the local directory.

5) Read the End User License Agreement residing as a pdf file within the adm directory. If you do not agree with the terms of the License Agreement then please do not use the product and remove it from your system.

6) Move the extracted directory to a permanent location such as:

C:\Program Files\ServiceFrame

The book is contained in a pdf file within directory doc. For example:

C:\Program Files\ServiceFrame\sfi1.1.0_01\doc\sfBook.pdf

contains the book in pdf format. Please read the book before using the following instructions.

The instructions to configure and execute a system are a text file within directory adm. For example:

C:\Program Files\ServiceFrame\sfi1.1.0_01\adm\Instructions

contains the steps needed to configure and execute the sfIntro product.
