Beta - Introduction to the Software Development Kit
A software professional or administrator will learn how to use the Software Development Kit to create a software system. A book describes how to configure a software system and how to write software that uses the Software Development Kit to execute within a software system. Partially compiled JAVA .class files provide the functionality of the SDK. Source code is present for much of the SDK. The remaining source code is (or will be) available via source only products.
This product is a single computer variation of the Software Development Kit. There is a limit of no more than 50 configured unique event ids. Refer to the product road map for functionality added by other available or planned products.
Please read and understand the materials on this site prior to purchase of this product. In particular, read the End User License Agreement. A purchase of the product confirms the following:
I hereby agree to the terms of the End User License Agreement.
If you do not agree then do not purchase the product.
This is a beta version of the planned introduction product. Please expect to encounter one or more problems. Please report a problem to softecosdk@gmail.com.